When a loved one dies, we can assist in administering the estate in a practical, organized, efficient, and sensitive way to reduce stress on those involved. We will open a probate estate if required, supervise the preparation of estate tax returns, and take the many other steps needed to insure that everything is handled properly and in full compliance with the law and the estate plan. Our Business Law practice gives us the resources and expertise to handle administration of business interests and other assets, and we can assist with the disposition of Real Estate if needed.
We represent both individuals and financial institutions that act as executors. Often, an individual executor has not filled this role before; we understand the process and can provide needed guidance. We also work closely with financial advisors, accountants, and other professionals, so that each can perform their appropriate services for the estate where it is most efficient and cost-effective.
Please contact us to discuss services where we can assist you, including:
- Filing the Will
- Opening the Probate Estate
- Supervising the Filing of Estate Tax Returns
- Supervising the Filing of Gift Tax Returns
- Funding Trusts
- Obtaining Employer Identification Numbers
- Charitable Trust Administration
- Locating Heirs
- Post-Mortem Estate Planning
- Handling Closely Held Business Interests
- Appraisals and Valuation Discounts
- Funding Trusts
- Handling Out of State Assets
Book an Appointment
Schedule an initial consultation with us, and let us help you protect your business and personal property.
You can give us a call in Chicago: (312) 613-6305or in Barrington: (847) 387-3946 or send us an email us at [email protected] today.
We look forward to hearing from you.